Our team has a diverse background. We’ve compiled relevant publications from their expertise that contributes to the scope of CLEAN EARTH. We invite you to read their publications.
- “Wind turbines , amenities and disamenities : A study of home value impacts in densely populated Massachusetts”, Hoen, B. and C. Atkinson-Palombo (2017). Journal of Real Estate Research 38(4): 473-504. Click here for article.
- “Guidelines on developing performance metrics for evaluating transportation sustainability”, Zheng, J., N. W. Garrick, C. Atkinson-Palombo, C. McCahill and W. Marshall (2013). Research in Transportation Business and Management 7: 4-13. Click here for article.
- “Twisting in the Wind: The Politics of Tepid Transitions to Renewable Energy”, (University of Michigan Press 2022). Click here for article.
- “Peer effects in the adoption of solar energy technologies in the United States: An urban case study” Graziano, M., M. Fiaschetti and C. Atkinson-Palombo (2019). Energy Research and Social Science 48: 75-84. Click here for article.
- “Foreign Investment and Political Regimes: The Oil Sector in Azerbaijan, Russia, and Norway,” (Cambridge University Press 2010). Click here for article.
- “Localizing the Energy Transition: Town-Level Political and Economic Drivers of Clean Energy in the United States,” Energy Research and Social Science 62 (2020) 101376. Click here for article.
- “The rise and fall of the segway lessons for the social adoption of future transportation,” Clark, A. V., C. Atkinson-Palombo and N. W. Garrick (2019). Transfers9(2): 27-44. Click here for article.
- “Green Priorities: How Economic Frames Affect Perceptions of Renewable Energy in the United States,” Energy Research and Social Science 47 (2019): 28-36 (co-authored with Salil Benegal). Click here for article.
- “Vetoing the Future: Political Constraints and Renewable Energy,” Environmental Politics 26:1 (2017): 49-70 (co-authored with Jeffrey W. Ladewig). Click here for article.
- “Byzantine Energy Politics: The Complex Tale of Low-Carbon Energy in Turkey,” in Robin Mills and Li-Chen Sim (eds). Low-Carbon Energy in the Middle East and North America, Palgrave MacMillan (2021), pp.155-183. Click here for article.
- “Caspian Energy Wealth: Social Impacts and Implications for Regional Stability,” in Amanda Wooden and Christoph Stefes (eds.) The Politics of Transition in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Enduring Legacies and Emerging Challenges, NY: Routledge (2009). Click here for article.
- “Tilting at windmills? Electoral repercussions of wind turbine projects in Minnesota. Bayulgen,” O., C. Atkinson-Palombo, M. Buchanan and L. Scruggs (2021). Energy Policy159. Click here for article.
- “Shedding light on large-scale solar impacts: An analysis of property values and proximity to photovoltaics across six US states”, Energy Policy, S Elmallah, B Hoen, KS Fujita, D Robson, E Brunner, 75, 2023.
- “Windfall revenues from windfarms: How do county governments respond to increases in the local tax base induced by wind energy installations?” E. Brunner, D. Schwegman, Public Budgeting and Financing, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1111/pbaf.12318
- “Contested Spaces in the New Blue Economy: Competing for Connecticut’s Thames River Working Waterfront”, S. Ebbin and N. Trumbull, Geographical Journal, 2021, doi: 10.1111/geoj.12409
- Singer, M., Shoreman-ouimet, E. and Graham, A.L. (2022). Climate Change and Health. In A Companion to Medical Anthropology (eds M. Singer, P.I. Erickson and C.E. Abadía-Barrero). Click here for article.
Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (2021). It’s time to (climate) change the way we teach, Learning and Teaching, 14(2), 76-86. Click here for article.